Wednesday 27 March 2013

Menerapkan 14 Toggle Notification Bar Galaxy Young

Tutorial dari saya, bagaimana cara untuk menerapkan 14 Toggle Notification Bar

All Credits goes to : lidroid@xda
makasih buat om : sileshnair@xda

original thread di xda :

Syarat sah uprek :

apktool (brut.all) <== jgn lupa install jdk
deodex rom
adb tool (buat push and pull :D)

download ini terlebih dahulu :

1. lidroid-res

2. LidroidSystemUI

3. QuickPanelSettings

atau kujungi treadnya di xda dan dunlot langsung file attachment om lidroid yang di post #1

Langkah2 :
pertama2 siapkan bahan2 tersebut di atas. trus decompile LidroidSystemUI.apk dengan apktool
pull framework-res.apk dan ketikan di cmd : apktool if framework-res.apk
Pull SystemUI.apk agan2 lalu decompile juga dengan apktool
buka folder LidroidSystemUI/smali/ .. copy 2 folder tersebut ke folder SystemUI/smali/
Buka file SystemUI/smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/StatusBarService.smali

ganti code berikut

.local v3, qsv:Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/quickpanel/QuickSettingsView; const v7, 0x7f030002 invoke-static {p1, v7, v9}, Landroid/view/View;->inflate(Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View; move-result-object v3 .end local v3 #qsv:Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/quickpanel/QuickSettingsView; check-cast v3, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/quickpanel/QuickSettingsView; .line 352 .restart local v3 #qsv:Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/quickpanel/QuickSettingsView;


const v7, 0x3030003 invoke-static {p1, v7, v9}, Landroid/view/View;->inflate(Landroid/content/Context;ILandroid/view/ViewGroup;)Landroid/view/View; move-result-object v3 check-cast v3, Lcom/lidroid/systemui/quickpanel/PowerWidget; .line 352 .local v3, qsv:Lcom/lidroid/systemui/quickpanel/PowerWidget; invoke-virtual {v3}, Lcom/lidroid/systemui/quickpanel/PowerWidget;->setupWidget()V

6. build, ketik di cmd: apktool b SystemUI

7. Buka file SystemUI.apk dengan 7zip ato winrar lalu drag files classes.dex di folder SystemUI\build\apk\ = ntar ada notif pencet yes

8. push SystemUI.apk n QuickPanelSettings.apk ke /system/app

9. push lidroid-res.apk ke /system/framework

(point 8 & 9 bisa lewt recovery dengan bikin tapi ane ga tau caranya :D)

Nb :

1. tombol flashlight bakalan force close.. karena ane skip bagian edit manifest.xml . masalahnya katanya kalo edit manifest.xml filenya harus di resigned.. konsekwensinya kalo resigned. smua file apk di /system/app n /framework kudu di resigned juga dgn key yg sama.

2. menguprek file xml di lidroid-res.apk akan menyebabkan fc...


Originally Posted by sicopat@xda

To have 6 visible toggles : edit : LidroidSystemUI/smali/com/lidroid/systemui/quickpanel/PowerWidget.smali

change :


.field private static final LAYOUT_SCROLL_BUTTON_THRESHOLD_PORT:I = 0x5
.field private static final LAYOUT_SCROLL_BUTTON_THRESHOLD_PORT:I = 0x6


div-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x5
div-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x6

Sekian terimakasih
Sumber (Official Grup Galaxy Y)